The Matrix

The movie The Matrix was something I have heard of but never knew what it was about. Going into it I knew it was some kind of futuristic movie, but not sure to what extent. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, even though I thought of it being slow at times. I kept watching it because […]

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12 Monkeys

The movie 12 Monkeys had a lot going on! There was a time machine, dreams that become the future, action, suspense, A LOT. Overall, I really enjoyed the film. It got repetitive after a bit with the same dream happening every 10 minutes but I thought of it to be really interesting and fun. I […]

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The Time Machine

The Time Machine, in my own personal opinion, has not been my favorite reading so far… I found it very boring? There was not enough adventure in it for me, besides everything that happened with the Morlocks. I also thought that the year 802,701 AD would be similar, but more advanced than our own society. […]

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I thought the movie Dune was very enjoyable to watch! I am sure the book is much better and more detailed, but I still thought it was a good movie. The movie was not what I thought it would be like… I expected there to be a lot more aliens involved, and I had no […]

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Solaris (1972)

Solaris is another movie I have enjoyed in our class. The only thing I did not enjoy in the movie was how slow it was. Overall, there was probably twenty minutes of looking at just the ocean (I am over exaggerating of course, but still). I also wish it was more of a psychological thriller […]

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Her (2013)

Her is a FANTASTIC movie. This is one of those movies where it is crazy to see how close, but yet so far, our society is to. Falling in love with an AI is a very interesting because you know they are not real, but they feel so real. Humans have relationships to people they […]

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Aelita, Queen of Mars (1924)

I was expecting a lot from the movie Aelita, Queen of Mars (1924), and I think those expectations were met. From previous movies I have watched for the class, this one was not my favorite, but it was most definitely the most interesting. The costumes and scenes were not like any other film during its time, […]

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Idea for a Sci-Fi book or film

Beginning: Introduced to a character named Miles. Miles is a 3rd year college student majoring in communications and marketing. He has a pretty bland life: no girlfriend, no pets, no roommate, a few friends here and there, and works at a local Wendy’s as an everyday job. Miles has a Dream: One night Miles has […]

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The Fatal Eggs

The Fatal Eggs by Bulgakov is a very interesting read that I believe to be the beginning of adaptation in movies and books. Bulgakov is very creative in his works and he sort of draws you into his stories so you become unable to stop reading. However, I will say that in The Fatal Eggs […]

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Rational vs. Irrational

What are some examples of this theme appearing in the novel? How is it developed / described? What is D-503’s view on that question and how does it change? In “We” there have been many occurrences that include rational and irrational examples. Now, D-503 is a very rational person, but slowly starts to learn more […]

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